• Register

List compiled by Patsy Bradford, Director, Sevier County Heritage Museum, in 1997.

Some of Sevier County's Earliest Residents

Alexander, Oliver Headrick, William Porter, George W.
Atchley, Thomas Henderson, Samuel Porter, John
Baker, Henry B. Henderson, William, Sr. Porter, Mitchell
Blair, Hugh Henry, Hugh Preston, Alexander
Blair, Samuel Henry, William Reagan, Timothy
Bohanon, Henry E., Sr. Hodges, Henry George Richardson, William
Brimer, William Hudson, George Robertson, William
Bryant, Peter Huff, Jacob Rogers, Henry
Cannon, James Huff, William Rogers, M. C.
Cannon, William Jenkins, James Rudd, Burlington
Catlett, Benjamin Kinder, William Runyan, Barefoot
Catlett, John Large, Joseph Sharp, John
Catlett, Richard Layman, Jacob Shields, Robert
Clabaugh, William Lyman, James Shults, Martin
Clack, Spencer Marshall, John Smith, Thomas
Compton, Jeremiah II McCarter, James, Sr. Thomas, Isaac
Cook, John McCroskey, John Trotter, William
Creswell, Andrew McCroskey, Robert Walker, John, Sr.
Creswell, Samuel McMahan, James Wear, John
Davies, Zachariah Newell, Samuel Wear, Samuel
Emert, Frederick Nichols, Flayle Wells, Andrew
Galyon, Gilbert Parsons, George Whaley, William M.
Gist, Joshua Pitner, John Wood, Richard

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