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Article Index

This list was transcribed by Billie McNamara from a newspaper article published 30-40 years ago.  The source citation has been misplaced (but would be appreciated!).  Additions and corrections to this list are welcome.  E-mail the Webmistress using the Contact link on the Menu.

Surname Name Year
Allen Grace 1925
Allen Kate 1922
Allen Kenneth 1924
Allen Von 1924
Andes Gladys 1925
Atchley Elizabeth 1923
Ballard George 1922
Connatser Horace 1923
Connatser Lillie 1925
Creswell Beulah 1923
Davis Mrs. Alf 1925
DeLozier Elbert 1923
DeLozier Syble 1924
Dennis Sara Mae 1923
Douglass Sam 1925
Duggan Floyd 1925
Emert Emma Jane 1925
Enloe Edna 1922
Flynn Cleaphas 1925
Flynn Stella 1924
Huffaker Emma 1925
Huffaker Mary 1923
Huffaker Ralph 1925
Huffaker Sam 1922
King Johnny 1923
Lawrence Ethel 1925
Lawson Fred 1922
Laymon Pearl 1924
Love Clyde 1925
Loveday Nettie 1924
Lowe Arlie 1925
McCown Anna 1924
McCown Blanche 1924
Mullendore Frank 1925
Norton Ruby 1924
Ownby Ray 1923
Patterson Eva 1923
Patterson Zella 1923
Patty Mae 1925
Patty Myrtle 1924
Pierce Alla 1925
Price C. Pern 1925
Roberts Fred 1925
Rule Gladys 1925
Rule Gladys 1925
Rule Maude 1925
Rule Ralph 1923
Rule Sterl 1925
Shepherd Pauline 1924
Tarwater Virgil 1925
Taylor Walter 1925
Thornton Lewis 1923
Trundle Mel 1925
Wade Anna 1923
Wade Dwight 1924
Whaley Sylvia 1925

Davis Flossie 1926
Allen Gladys 1929
Allen Herman 1927
Allen Margaret 1928
Allen Vose 1928
Andes Bonnie 1926
Andes Edith 1928
Atchley George "Fate" 1929
Bailey Lurlie 1928
Ball Reva 1929
Ballard Claude 1926
Ballard Grace Trotter 1927
Ballard Nell 1928
Blalock Elizabeth 1927
Bowers Florence 1928
Clark Roy 1927
Connatser Earl 1927
Connatser Golda 1926
Connatser Walter 1928
Conner Alice 1927
Conner Lela 1927
Davenport Ted 1929
Dennis Beulah 1929
Denton Ralph 1928
Douglass Anna Mae 1929
Dukes Albert 1927
Dunn Mae 1927
Ellis Elizabeth 1929
Ellis Imogene 1927
Enloe Helen 1926
Flynn Arville 1929
Flynn Clyde 1926
Flynn Frank 1926
Flynn Ila 1929
Flynn Ruby 1928
Fox Eula 1927
Gilbert Charles 1929
Gobble Elmer 1929
Gobble Hubert 1929
Hammer Mildred 1928
Hatcher Sam 1927
Hatcher Sherril 1928
Henderson Wallace 1927
Hickman Geneva 1927
Hickman Grace 1927
Hill Beatrice 1926
Hodge Anna Lee 1929
Hodges Addie 1927
Hodges Theron 1926
Howard Robert S. 1927
Huff John 1929
Huffaker Jack 1928
Ingle Edith 1929
Ingle Ronald 1926
Kerr Johnnie 1927
King Grace 1928
King Mary 1928
King Sam 1926
Kyker Granvil 1929
Kyker Randle 1927
Kyker Wilmer 1927
LaFollette Lida 1928
LaFollette Victor 1929
Lamon Greely 1926
Lamond Lucille 1929
Line Mattie 1927
Loveday Royce 1927
Lunsford Ruby 1928
Lyon Willie 1929
Marshall Frank 1928
Marshall Sam 1929
Matthews Lillie 1927
McMahan Iva 1929
Montgomery Grace 1927
Montgomery Hettie 1926
Murphy Bea 1928
Murphy Ben 1929
Murphy John 1928
Murphy Ruth 1929
Nave Stanley 1928
Nichols Harold 1929
Ogle H. T. 1927
Ogle Marshall 1927
Ogle Mrs. Ollie 1927
Ownby Carl 1929
Pack Charles 1929
Parrott Dana 1926
Pierce Franklin 1928
Porter Kate 1928
Rambo Reba 1927
Randles Cleo 1927
Randles Leuretta 1926
Rawlings Edgar 1929
Roberts Carl 1928
Rogers Elizabeth 1927
Rule B. Wylie 1928
Sharp James 1926
Shepherd Wilburn 1927
Simms Carrol 1928
Staford Erskine 1929
Stott Fred 1929
Sutton Hazel 1928
Tarwater Geneva 1926
Taylor Reva 1927
Temple Ethel 1928
Temple Mary 1926
Temple William 1926
Thomas Hattie 1927
Trotter Davy 1928
Trotter John 1927
Trotter Sadie 1926
Watson Ruth 1929
Whaley Bessie 1926
Whaley Hazel 1929
Whaley Kate 1928
Whaley Lela 1928
Whaley Lillard 1927
Witt Flossie 1926
Worth Alger 1926
Yarberry Luther 1929
Yett Claude 1928

Surname Name Year
Allen Wayne 1933
Andes Cecil 1932
Andes Mabel 1931
Andes Mabel D. 1933
Atchley Aaron 1932
Atchley Lois 1930
Atchley Olive 1930
Baker Harold 1933
Ballard Johnnie 1931
Blalock Evelyn 1931
Blalock Johnnie 1932
Blalock Ollie 1930
Brabson Margaret 1930
Buckner Rubin 1930
Cardwell John 1932
Cate Clyde 1930
Cate Ruby 1931
Christopher Mildred 1931
Clabo Jetta 1933
Clabo Marie 1933
Clark Aileen 1930
Clark Milton 1931
Clark Rhea 1931
Clinton Clora 1933
Coffelt Evelyn 1933
Coffelt Majorie 1930
Connatser Grace 1933
Connatser Olees 1930
Connatser Ralph 1933
Connatser Ruth 1931
Conner Ernestine 1933
Conner Ralph 1933
Davis Berniece 1931
Davis Fred 1930
DeLozier Christine 1931
DeLozier John 1930
Dixon Helen 1932
Douglass Josie 1933
Elder Verle 1931
Ellis Edward 1933
Fain Frank 1933
Felker Kate 1931
Felker Mae 1931
Fox Marshall 1933
Frazier Mary L. 1931
Gann Edna 1932
Gossett Lila 1933
Hardin James 1933
Hardin Ruby 1933
Hatcher G 1933
Hatcher Rubin 1930
Hembree Irene 1933
Henderson Conley 1933
Hill Alta 1931
Hodges John 1931
Hodges Kathern 1930
Hodges Leonard 1933
Hodges Malcolm 1930
Houser M. A. 1933
Huff Earl 1930
Jenkins Alma 1933
Jones Mary 1933
King Edna 1930
King Raymond 1930
Kyker Mary 1931
Lamon Elizabeth 1933
Lane Mildred 1932
Lane Trent 1930
Latham Earl 1933
Latham Euna 1933
Latham Willie 1933
Loveday Fred 1933
Loveday Helen 1931
Loveday Inez 1933
Loveday Ruby 1932
Manis Johnnie 1931
Marshall Wallace 1933
Mathus Iva 1930
Matthews Dee Faye 1931
Mayes Lola 1933
McAfee Gladys 1931
McCarter Evelyn 1933
McCown Drama 1933
McGaha Trula 1930
McMahan Carl 1931
McMahan Dorothy 1930
McMahan Glen 1933
McMahan Katheryn 1931
McMahan Louise 1931
McMahan Majorie 1931
McMahan Reba 1933
McMahan Ruth 1931
McPherson Loman 1933
Mise Louis 1930
Montgomery Adah 1930
Norton Homer 1930
Norton Lony 1930
Ogle Evelyn 1933
Ogle Seldon 1931
Ownby Ben 1930
Ownby Josie 1930
Patterson Glen 1931
Patterson Lefford 1933
Pickens John 1933
Porter Meade 1931
Price Fred 1931
Reed Mary Jane 1930
Robertson Fay 1933
Robertson Glynn 1930
Robertson Lucy 1931
Robertson Tip 1933
Rogers Joe 1931
Rule Ector 1931
Rule Jessie 1931
Rule Margaret 1933
Rule Merle 1933
Rule Ruby 1930
Russell Raymond 1933
Seaton Johnnie 1933
Seaton Parlee 1932
Seaton Ruby 1930
Shepherd Buford 1930
Shields Edith 1930
Sims Chetus 1931
Sims Ruby 1933
Spicer Fern 1933
Swan Chester 1931
Thornton Merle 1933
Thurman Daisy 1933
Trotter Doris 1933
Trotter Emma Lee 1931
Trotter Mel 1930
Trotter Oliver 1933
Trotter Ray 1933
Trotter Virginia 1931
Wade Fannie 1930
Ward Hazel 1933
Ward Silas 1930
Waters Hazel 1930
Watts Martha 1931
Wear Anna 1930
Whaley Bert 1930
Whaley Beulah 1931
Whaley Frank 1933
Whaley Minyard Silas 1930
Widner Ella 1931
Wilson Helen 1933
Witt Beatrice 1930
Witt Clarence 1930
Worth Zelda 1931
Wynn Mary 1933

Surname Name Year
Ailey Harrison 1936
Allen Laura 1935
Andes Reva 1936
Atchley Anah 1934
Atchley Blaine 1935
Atchley John 1934
Atchley Mayford 1934
Atchley Otis Vivian 1936
Atchley Paul 1934
Bailey Charlotte 1934
Baker Willie 1934
Basham Ruby 1936
Blair Hugh C. III 1935
Blalock Jack 1934
Blalock S. A. Jr. 1936
Burchfiel Margaret 1936
Burchfiel William 1936
Burchfield Jama 1935
Burnette Wendell 1936
Chambers Nannie 1935
Christopher Clyde 1934
Clabo Delmer 1935
Clark Evelyn 1936
Coffelt Helen 1935
Connatser Dorothy 1936
Creswell Edna 1936
Davenport Myrtle Sims 1936
DeLozier Carlos 1934
DeLozier Georgia 1936
Dixon P. C. 1934
Dixon Ruth 1934
Fox Hugh 1936
Fox Mabel 1934
Frazier Lester 1936
Gann James 1935
Gibson Ruth 1936
Gilbert Carl 1934
Hammer Margaret 1936
Hammer McKendry 1936
Hammer Pauline 1934
Hatcher Ben 1935
Hatcher Lucille 1935
Hatcher Nelle 1934
Haun Mayford 1934
Henderson Fred 1936
Henderson John L. 1936
Henderson Rhea 1936
Hill Anah 1936
Hodges Ed 1936
Hodges Roy 1935
Hounshell Howard 1934
Householder Homer 1934
Householder Pauline 1935
Howard Rose 1936
Ingle Ruth Leslie 1936
Inman Oren 1935
Jenkins Mary E. 1936
Kerley Grace 1934
Kyker Glendon 1935
Kyker Marjorie 1935
LaFollette Electa 1934
LaFollette Glen 1934
Lindsey Jewel 1935
Long Margaret 1936
Loveday Glen 1934
Loveday Lois 1936
Lowe Harlan 1935
Maples James 1935
Marshall Amos 1936
Marshall Jim 1936
Mayes Edra 1936
McAfee F. B. Jr. 1935
McAfee James 1936
McClure Lucille 1934
McGaha Anna B. 1934
McGaha Y. J. 1934
McMahan Herbert 1934
Mize Geo. 1936
Mize Martha 1936
Montgomery Fred 1935
Montgomery Howard 1936
Norton Wayland 1934
Ogle Theodore 1935
Parton Rex 1936
Plemons Charles 1935
Plemons Ellen 1935
Price Euna Kate 1935
Price Johnnie Mae 1936
Robertson Eunice 1935
Rolen Bennie Sue 1934
Romines Paul 1934
Rule Georgia 1935
Rule Wayne 1935
Seaton Grace 1934
Seaton Phillip 1936
Seaton Ruth 1936
Sharp Reba Joyce 1935
Sharp Tippie 1936
Shultz Geo. 1935
Sims Iota Kate 1934
Sims R. C. 1936
Sluss Harold 1936
Stanton John 1936
Tarwater Doyle 1934
Tarwater Herman 1934
Teague Stough 1936
Temple Esta Lee 1935
Thomas Christine 1936
Thornton Harold 1934
Thornton Joyce 1935
Trotter H. D. 1935
Trotter Jack 1934
Turner James 1934
Wade Anna Ruth 1935
Ward Gus 1934
Watson Frances Lee 1936
Watson Virginia 1935
Wear Robert 1936
Whaley A. D. 1934
Whaley Amaline 1936
Whaley Eugene 1935
Whaley Leonard 1936
Whaley Willie 1934
Widner Evelyn 1936
Williams Glen 1935
Wilson C. P. Jr. 1934
Wynn Charles 1935
Young Charles 1936

Surname Name Year
Ailey Agnes 1937
Allen Ada 1938
Atchley Bill 1937
Atchley Jane 1939
Baker Charles 1937
Ballard Gordon 1938
Ballard McKinley 1939
Basham Ann 1938
Beason Mary 1939
Brewer Kenneth 1939
Buckner Elizabeth 1937
Burchfield J. R. 1939
Butler Chas. 1938
Butler Lois 1938
Carr Jessie 1938
Cate Fred 1939
Cate Ruth 1938
Catlett Walker 1939
Caughron Reba 1937
Chambers Jimmie 1939
Christopher Dorothy 1939
Clabough Leila 1939
Clark Aundria 1937
Clark Vivian 1939
Connatser Lucille 1939
Crowson Ben 1938
Crowson Nell 1939
Cusick Gladys 1938
Davis Blanche 1938
Davis Mary Emert 1937
DeLozier Oliver 1938
Denton Graveta 1939
Eckel Hugh O. 1939
Elder Dorothy 1939
Elder Joe 1937
Ellis Chester 1938
Ellis Stella Lee 1938
Emert Howard 1939
Enloe Mary Elizabeth 1939
Fox Bascum 1939
Fox Grady 1939
Fox Rex S. 1938
Fox Rex W. 1937
Frazier Rhea 1937
Gann Clyde 1938
Gann Nita 1939
Gibson Nell 1938
Green Harry B. 1939
Hammer Sam 1937
Hart Mildred 1939
Hatcher Carrol 1937
Henderson Glenn 1938
Hodges Cecil 1939
Hodges Ira 1938
Hodges James 1939
Householder Helen M. 1939
Householder Katherine 1937
Householder Marjorie 1937
Ingle Roy Jr. 1937
Jenkins Joyce 1938
Jenkins Lloyd 1938
Johnson Theron 1938
Kerr Johnnie Ruth 1938
King A. J. Jr. 1939
King Virginia 1939
Latham Edna 1939
Latham Lucy 1938
Layman Ruby 1937
Laymon Bessie 1937
Lee Alice 1937
Long Wilda Grace 1939
Loveday Blanche 1939
Loveday Otis 1937
Loveday Reva 1938
Loveday Ruth 1939
Lowe Boyce 1937
Lowe E. Frank 1938
Lynn Bonnie Kate 1939
Marshall Juanita 1937
Marshall Robert 1938
McAfee Rose Mary 1939
McCarter Dolph 1937
McCroskey Harold 1939
McMahan Elizabeth 1938
McMahan M. B. Jr. 1937
McMahan Mary 1938
Miller Vivian 1938
Mize Blanche 1938
Montgomery R. V. Jr. 1937
Murphy Katherine 1938
Ogle John D. 1938
Ownby Grace 1939
Pack David 1939
Patterson Edith 1938
Patterson T. L. Jr. 1937
Patty Beulah 1938
Price Maude 1937
Rakis Mary 1937
Rambo Carl 1937
Rawlings Frederick 1937
Rawlings Helen 1939
Rawlings Josephine 1939
Rawlings Robert 1937
Reagan Louise 1937
Rector Jimmie 1939
Reno Georgia 1939
Rhoden Helen 1937
Robertson Hugh E. 1937
Robertson Madge 1938
Robertson Marian 1938
Rogers Harold 1937
Rogers Margaret 1938
Rolen George Anna 1937
Rule Addie 1937
Rule Norma 1939
Sharp Jewell 1937
Sharp Leo 1939
Sims Mildred 1938
Sutton Lois 1937
Tarwater James 1938
Tarwater June 1938
Tarwater Lloyd 1938
Tarwater Stella 1939
Teague Bain 1939
Trevena Lucy 1938
Trotter Dorothy 1937
Trotter Mildred 1939
Trotter Troy C. 1939
Walker Marie 1939
Ward Kenneth 1937
Ward Louise 1939
Waters Mary L. 1938
Watson Clyde 1937
Watson Irene 1938
Whaley Edward 1938
Whaley Estis 1937
Whaley Nellie 1937
Whaley Ruth 1938
Williams Frank 1938
Young Billie 1939
Young James 1939

Surname Name Year
Ailey William Earl 1941
Allen Doris 1940
Allen Eula Mae 1942
Allen Friel 1940
Allen Geraldine 1942
Allen Kenneth 1940
Allen Verna 1942
Allen Wayne 1942
Andes Madge 1942
Arwood Eugene 1940
Atchley Alla F. 1942
Atchley Harold 1941
Atchley Johnnie 1940
Atchley Ralph 1941
Baker Eugene 1941
Barnes George 1941
Benson Lloyd 1942
Blalock Faye 1942
Brewer Helen 1942
Brewer Inez 1942
Brewer Myrtle 1941
Brewer Ralph 1941
Buckner Gladys 1940
Buckner Walter 1940
Butler Josephine 1940
Butler Martha 1941
Byrd Rachel 1941
Cates Harry E. 1940
Catlett Mary Ruth 1942
Caton John 1940
Caton Millard 1940
Caughron Judson 1941
Chambers Harold 1942
Christopher Eugene 1941
Christopher John Jr. 1940
Christopher Lois 1941
Clark B. T. 1942
Connatser Audley 1942
Connatser Imogene 1941
Crowson James 1942
Davis Bobby 1940
Davis Frances 1940
DeLozier Flo Lee 1941
DeLozier James 1941
DeLozier Jean 1941
Denton Mary Louise 1942
Dixon Ormand 1940
Duggan Frances 1942
Elder Hal Jr. 1942
Emert Mary Louise 1941
Enloe Winton 1942
Fain Robert 1941
Flynn Eugene 1940
Fox Carroll 1941
Fox Eileen 1941
Fox Fred 1940
Fox Kenneth 1942
Fox Veryl 1941
Gann Blanche 1942
Green Ashley 1940
Grubb Ama L. 1941
Hatcher Bob 1942
Headrick Harold 1942
Henderson Ella 1940
Henderson Hugh 1940
Henderson Paul 1940
Henderson Pauline 1940
Henderson Ray 1941
Hounshell Billie 1940
Householder Billie 1942
Hutchison Wanda 1942
Inman Charles 1941
Jenkins Betty Jo 1942
Jenkins Mary Kate 1940
Jenkins Nellie 1942
Jones Ruth 1942
Kerley Seldon 1942
Kyker Jama Ruth 1941
Lamon Charles 1942
Lanning Bennie 1940
Large Dewey 1940
Loveday Leota 1942
Loveday Mayford 1942
Loveday Reva Mae 1941
Lowe Ruby 1940
Marshall Gladys 1940
Marshall Golda 1942
Marshall Reece 1940
McCall Lois 1942
McCall Wanda 1940
McCosh Vena Ray 1940
McCroskey Ruth 1940
McMahan Chandler 1940
McMahan Clark 1942
McMahan Ernestine 1940
McMahan Mayford 1941
McPherson Madge 1942
McPherson Marjorie 1940
McPherson Rhea 1940
Mitchell Edward 1940
Mize Norma 1941
Montgomery Delmar 1941
Newman Roy C. 1942
Ogle Homer 1940
Ogle Norman 1942
Ogle Robert L. Jr. 1941
Ownby Alma 1942
Ownby Blanche 1941
Ownby Cecil 1941
Ownby Dan 1941
Ownby Euel 1942
Patterson Malcolm 1942
Patty Ruth 1940
Price Ersa Belle 1941
Price George 1940
Proffitt Wilbur 1942
Rakis Ina 1941
Rawlings Kenneth 1941
Rector Calvin 1941
Reno Josephine 1941
Robertson Emert 1940
Robertson Louise 1940
Rogers Kathern 1940
Romines Ralph 1940
Rose Jessie 1942
Rule Ned 1942
Runyan Agnes 1942
Saffel Tom 1940
Seaton Dorothy 1942
Seaton Kenneth 1942
Shields Granville 1942
Sims Wilda 1940
Swann Ada 1940
Tarwater Elizabeth 1941
Tarwater Elizabeth Deane 1941
Tarwater Estel 1940
Tarwater Ila 1940
Tarwater Jack 1940
Tarwater Reba 1941
Tarwater Ruth Helen 1942
Teague Bill 1941
Tharpe Zeno Jr. 1940
Trotter James 1940
Vaughan William 1941
Watson Richard Earl 1942
Watson Ruth 1941
Whaley Earl 1942
Whaley Frank 1942
Williams J. C. 1942
Williams James Coy 1942
Worth J. A. 1941
Wynn Glenn 1940
Wynn T. M. Jr. 1940

Surname Name Year
Adams Eleanor Mae 1945
Allen Alice 1943
Allen Charles Lee 1945
Allen Jean Evelyn 1943
Allen Kathleen 1943
Allen Mary Agnes 1945
Allen Ruby Lee 1945
Allen Wanda 1943
Atchley Frank 1943
Atchley Iva Jean 1943
Atchley Lela Mae 1943
Atchley Nora 1944
Baker Ella Jean 1945
Ballentine Jerry 1944
Bell Ida 1944
Benson Mary E. 1943
Blalock Ila 1944
Blalock Ora 1943
Boling Eula 1943
Brock Eleanor 1943
Brock Theron 1945
Byrd Clyde 1945
Cannon Paul 1945
Carmichael Barbara 1944
Cate Irene 1945
Cate Zita Marie 1945
Caton Ruth E. 1945
Christopher Albert H. 1944
Clabo Anna Lee 1945
Clark Edward 1943
Clark Von 1943
Collier Minnie 1945
Connatser Peggy 1944
Conner Ruth 1945
Crowson Louise 1943
Davis Marie 1944
Davison Alice 1944
DeLozier Anna Frank 1945
DeLozier Robert 1943
Denton Jack 1945
Dixon Irene 1945
Dixon Richard 1943
Dixon Wilma J. 1945
Douglass James 1944
Douglass Ruby 1943
Drinnen Ellen 1945
Duggan Bernice 1945
Duggan Mildred Ruth 1945
Elder Georgie 1943
Fain Ethylene 1944
Feezel Fern 1945
Feezel Ina 1944
Fox Coyle 1945
Fox Elizabeth Ann 1943
Fox Margaret 1944
Fox Mary George 1944
Fox Ruby 1945
Franklin Imogene 1943
Frazier H. A. 1945
Gann W. M. 1945
Gibson Edna 1945
Gilbreath Christine 1944
Gillespie Herbert 1945
Gschwind Theodore 1945
Haggard Rush 1944
Hardin Jewel 1944
Harris Ivy June 1945
Hatcher Lula Grace 1943
Hatcher Mary 1944
Hatcher Mary 1945
Hedrick Larry 1944
Hedrick Ted 1945
Helton Fay 1945
Helton Lucy 1943
Helton Ray 1945
Henderson A. T. 1943
Hendrix David 1945
Henry Helen 1945
Hodges Ruth 1943
Holt Ruth 1944
Houk Howard 1945
Householder James 1944
Huff Bobbie Jean 1944
Huff Sam 1943
Huffaker Bill 1945
Isenberg Richard 1944
Keeler Charlotte 1945
Keeler Earl 1945
Keeler Willie 1944
Kerley Julia 1944
Kerley Ray 1943
Koontz Margaret 1945
Kyte Mildred 1944
LaFollette Ruth 1943
Lane Jack 1943
Lane Johnnie Marie 1943
Latham H. V. 1943
Lawson Fred Taylor 1945
Lawson Mary Jean 1944
Lawson Vivian 1945
Lindsey Eula 1945
Loveday Amos 1943
Marshall Anna Kate 1944
Marshall Iris 1944
McCarter Stella 1944
McCosh Mildred 1944
McCroskey Reba 1945
McMahan Ella Jean 1945
McMahan Helen 1944
McMahan Lola 1945
McMahan Ruth 1944
Mize Dennis 1944
Mize Evelyn 1943
Montgomery Mary Laverne 1943
Moon Beulah 1945
Murphy Willard 1945
Naugher Blanche 1945
Nave Eldridge 1943
Nave Jewel 1945
Norton Ailene 1943
Ogle Blanche 1943
Ogle Kathryn Faye 1943
Ogle Ruby Lee 1943
Owen Blanche 1945
Ownby Ruth 1944
Ownby Stella 1943
Parrish Ruth 1944
Parrott Thelma 1943
Pollard Dorothy 1945
Pollard Melvin 1943
Price Roe 1945
Rambo Mary Jo 1944
Rawlings I. P. Jr. 1943
Reagan Charles 1945
Roberts Grace 1944
Robertson Emily 1945
Roden Mary Ella 1944
Rogers Kenneth 1943
Runyan Joy 1945
Sarten Mary E. 1944
Seaton Glen 1943
Seaton Jane 1944
Seaton Wendell 1944
Seaton Wilda M. 1943
Shepherd Reba 1945
Shular June 1944
Shular Lucille 1945
Sims Ava J. 1943
Smith Chas. 1943
Smith Elsie F. 1943
Smith Juanita 1945
Smith Marie 1944
Smith Mary A. 1943
Spicer Mary Ruth 1943
Spicer Pauletta 1943
Stinnett Novella 1943
Stott Norma Lee 1943
Sutton Lois 1943
Tarwater C. H. 1944
Tarwater Emma June 1945
Tarwater Georgia 1945
Tarwater Wilda 1944
Temple Frankie 1944
Tharpe Novella 1944
Thurman Jack 1944
Trotter Betty Jane 1943
Trotter Mary Emily 1945
Underwood Christine 1943
Underwood Helen 1944
Underwood Leonard 1943
Vance Johnnie Ruth 1945
Vaughan Fannie Kate 1944
Walker Mary L. 1945
Watson Earl K. 1943
Wayland Elizabeth 1944
Webb Dorothy 1945
Webb J. C. 1944
Worth Hal 1943
Young Helen 1943

Surname Name Year
Allen Lillard R. 1947
Allen Willie Kate 1947
Alllen Lucille W. 1947
Anderson Jean A. 1947
Atchley Carolyn B. 1947
Atchley Frances 1947
Atchley Irene Mae 1946
Bailey Lillian R. 1946
Barnes Irene 1947
Benson Lois 1946
Branam Ruby 1946
Breeden Wanda Faye 1947
Burns Frieda 1946
Butler Harold 1946
Carlton Ellis H. 1947
Carmichael Wanda 1947
Carr Ben H. Jr. 1946
Cates Bernice 1947
Catlett Billie M. 1947
Clark Wanda H. 1947
Clinton Loyd R. 1947
Collier Edna 1947
Conner Jean Evelyn 1946
Cotter Betty J. 1946
Davis Nancy Lee 1946
DeLozier Joe 1947
Dickson Doris 1947
Douglass Betty Jo 1947
Douglass Doris E. 1946
Ellis Mary E. 1946
Emert Ruby 1946
Etherton Georgia 1947
Fine Oritha F. 1946
Fox Betty Sue 1946
Fox James Lee 1946
Fox Mattie Jewell 1946
Fox Melvin Dale 1947
Galyon Beuena 1947
Gillespie Violet 1947
Hancock Sallie Mae 1947
Hardin Grady 1946
Hardin Margaret B. 1947
Hatcher Agnes 1946
Hatcher Charles A. 1947
Hatcher James C. 1947
Hedrick Harold Luther 1947
Hedrick Jas. F. 1947
Helton Buford A. 1947
Helton Harold 1947
Henderson M. B. 1947
Henderson Rowena 1947
Hendrix Elsie M. 1947
Henry Jack B. 1946
Hickman Reva 1947
Hodges Bill 1947
Hodges Mildred E. 1947
Hodges Pauline 1946
Hodges Ralph O. 1947
Huffaker Eldridge 1946
Huffaker Jake 1946
Huffaker W. D. 1947
Hurst Faye E. 1947
Hurst Kenneth 1946
Johnson Marie 1946
Keeble Kathern 1947
Kelly Ima Ruth 1946
Kyker Andrew J. 1946
Lamon James 1947
Lane Newell M. 1947
Large William C. 1946
Lee Bill 1947
Lewelling Mary 1947
Lewelling Virginia 1947
Lindsey George H. 1946
Loveday Charles 1947
Lowe Dorothy 1946
Lowe Ruth W. 1947
Lynn Ruby L. 1946
Manning Irene 1946
Marshall Mack T. Jr. 1946
McAfee Sara E. 1947
McMahan Dwight 1946
McMahan William Earl 1946
McMahan Wilma 1947
Moon Irene 1947
Morrell Juanita Jewell 1946
Murphy Billie 1947
Murphy Billie M. 1947
Murphy Mary Jane 1947
Murrell Herbert Otha 1946
Norton Stella F. 1947
Ogle Reba 1947
Ogle Rosalee 1946
Owen Carl 1946
Ownby Dewey 1947
Ownby Edna V. 1946
Ownby Loy 1946
Ownby Martha 1946
Ownby Shirley 1947
Parrott Floyd 1947
Parton Georgia M. 1947
Patty Maude 1947
Price Florita 1947
Price Vera 1947
Reno Peggy E. 1946
Roberts Butler D. 1947
Roberts C. B. 1947
Roberts Dwight W. 1947
Roberts Ralph J. 1947
Roberts Reba L. 1946
Robertson George P. 1947
Robertson Vivian K. 1947
Robeson Aileen W. 1947
Rolen Clara R. 1946
Romines Georgia R. 1946
Runyan James 1947
Sarten Edith 1946
Seaton Charles 1946
Sharp Fayettea 1947
Sharp Herbert 1947
Sharp Nina L. 1946
Sharp Verle J. 1947
Shepherd Raymond E. 1947
Simmons James 1946
Simms Benton 1946
Smelcer Ruth E. 1947
Smith Phyllis Nadine 1947
Snapp Jack T. 1947
Spurgeon May 1947
Suttles Ernest L. 1947
Sutton Ruby E. 1946
Swaggerty Edna Ruth 1947
Tarwater Doris 1946
Taylor M. S. 1947
Temple James A. 1946
Trotter Charlotte E. 1946
Trotter Irene 1946
Underwood Anna 1947
Underwood Roy 1946
Valentine Helen 1947
Walker Jennie J. 1947
Waters Johnny 1947
Watson Frieda 1946
Wayland Harvey 1946
Webb Jean A. 1947
Whaley Aileen 1946
Whaley Carroll 1947
Whaley Kenneth 1946
Whaley Lela 1946
Whaley Paul 1947
Widner Helen J. 1947
Williams Donald G. 1946
Williams Mary Faye 1947
Williams R. C. 1947
Williams Reba F. 1947
Worth Georgia 1946
Yokum Virginia 1947

Surname Name Year
Adams Roy 1948
Ailey Bobby 1948
Allen Mary Lynn 1948
Arlail Ellouise 1949
Atchley Charlotte 1949
Atchley Veryl 1949
Bailey Clint 1948
Bailey Joanna 1949
Baker Opal 1948
Baker Roy C. 1948
Banks J. C. 1948
Biddle Ernestine H. 1949
Branam Richard 1949
Brown Mack 1949
Bunch Norene 1948
Burnett Horace C. 1948
Byrd Earl E. 1948
Camble Roy M. 1948
Cannon Geraldine 1948
Cardwell Geneva 1949
Carmichael June A. 1948
Carmichael Nellie 1949
Carr Bruce 1948
Carr Gene 1949
Cate Jama D. 1948
Cate Jean 1948
Cates Jessie 1949
Catlett Reece 1948
Chambers Earl 1949
Chance Gale 1949
Chance Tex H. 1948
Clabo Gene 1948
Clark Bill 1949
Clark Jewell C. 1948
Cloinger Harold 1948
Conner Jack 1949
Cook Elizabeth 1949
Davidson Betty 1949
Davis Gene 1948
Dennis Mary Alice 1948
Denton Rex 1949
Dixon Reva 1949
Dodd Jean R. 1948
Douglass Betsy 1949
Douglass Bobbie 1949
Drinnen Leon 1948
Drinnen Ruby 1949
Dunn Mary Ruth 1948
Elder Helen 1949
Eledge Mable 1949
Etherton Betty Jo 1948
Etherton Eula 1949
Fain Dorthia 1949
Fain George 1949
Felker Herbert 1949
Finchum Eugene 1949
Finchum Golda 1949
Finchum Helen 1949
Finchum Mary Nelle 1949
Flynn Elizabeth 1949
Fox Mary Claire 1948
Franklin Bob 1949
Franklin Helen 1948
Franklin Jean 1948
Frost O. Jack 1948
Galyon Marjorie 1948
Galyon Wilma 1948
Gann Raymond 1949
Gibson Carl 1948
Gibson Kenneth 1949
Grinstead Billy M. 1948
Gschwind Connie L. 1948
Hardin Joe C. 1948
Hardin Margurita 1949
Headrick Jack 1949
Hedrick Dale A. 1948
Hedrick Ila Nelle 1949
Helton Helen A. 1949
Henderson Bobbie D. 1949
Henderson Dorothy J. 1949
Henderson Ima Jean 1948
Henderson John S. 1948
Henry Betty Jo 1949
Henry Irene 1949
Hickman Jerry W. 1948
Hill Deeretta 1949
Hill Dorothy 1949
Hill Thomas 1948
Hodge Petty Sue 1949
Hodges Henry T. 1948
Hodges Herbert 1949
Hodges Ruth 1948
Hodges Tom A. 1948
Huff Carolyn 1948
Huff George 1949
Huff Glenn 1949
Huff Lyman 1949
Huffaker Otella 1949
Hurst Clarence J. 1948
Huskey Ada M. 1948
Huskey Alda 1949
Ingle Dorothy Ann 1948
Ingle Evelyn R. 1948
Jenkins L. L. 1948
Johnson Charles 1949
Johnson Lois E. 1948
Jones John P. 1948
Kelly Ruby 1949
King Carroll 1949
Knight Ralph 1949
Koontz Billy 1948
Kyker Bill 1949
Kyker Mack B. Jr. 1948
Kyker Wanda L. 1948
LaFollette Dorothy 1948
Large Eugene N. 1948
Latham Aliene 1949
Latham Betty 1949
Latham Ima Jean 1948
Lethco Marjorie 1948
Lewelling Dorothy 1949
Lindsey Cline 1949
Loveday Betty Jo 1948
Loveday Kenneth 1949
Lowe Betty Jo 1948
Lynn Jean E. 1948
Maples Laura Marie 1949
Maples Ralph 1949
Maples Roy 1949
Marshall Carolyn 1948
Marshall Conly 1949
Marshall Maurice 1949
Mayes Joyce A. 1948
McCroskey Alma 1949
McGill Andy Loy 1948
McGill Eva Lee 1949
McManah John K. 1949
Miller Blanche R. 1948
Mize Wilma 1949
Mount Barbara J. 1948
Myers Helen 1949
Naugher Julia H. 1948
Nave Euvella 1948
Newman Agnes L. 1948
Newman Amos A. 1948
Nichols Ruth J. 1948
Ogle Betty Jo 1948
Ogle Beulah 1948
Ogle Dorothy Jean 1949
Ogle Earl W. 1948
Ogle Emily E. 1948
Ogle Irene 1949
Owen Gene 1949
Ownby Eva N. 1948
Ownby Thurman 1948
Pargott Herbert H. 1948
Parrott Roy 1948
Parrott Rush 1949
Parrott W. E. 1948
Perryman Omer 1948
Phillips Betty Jo 1949
Pickens Herman 1948
Pollard Nannie Sue 1949
Pratt Freda 1949
Price Mary Ruth 1948
Rawlings Mary L. 1948
Reno H. T. Jr. 1948
Reynolds Bill W. 1948
Roberts Betty Jo 1949
Robertson James 1949
Robeson Ruth C. 1948
Rogers Elizabeth 1948
Rose Veanna 1949
Rule Billie J. 1948
Rule Clara 1949
Sarten James 1949
Scarlett Beatrice 1949
Scarlett Luther 1949
Seaton Doris 1949
Seaton Jacqualine 1948
Shields Sue M. 1948
Smelcer Jack 1949
Smith Ernest 1949
Snyder Shirley 1949
Spicer Billie 1949
Swann Agnes R. 1948
Swann Edna L. 1948
Tarwater Mary G. 1948
Tarwater Rosemary 1948
Temple Mildred B. 1948
Terry Kenneth 1948
Terry Wilma K. 1948
Thomas Carolyn 1949
Tipton Edward 1949
Underwood Helen 1949
Walker Myrtle R. 1948
Walker Pearl A. 1948
Ward Nina Ray 1949
Watson Mary E. 1949
Whaley David 1949
Whaley Dorothy Jean 1949
Whaley Loren 1948
Whaley Mary Ruth 1949
Whaley Sanders 1949
Whitted Rex D. 1948
Wilson Almeda Fay 1948
Woods Tracy L. 1948
Yarberry Horace 1948

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